Question for you, Karen, and perhaps you'd prefer to discuss this in person. If the City is unwilling or unable to annex this land as open space, what should our course of action be? I think we can fairly assume that once the GA expires in 2039, Erie will do what they can to develop the land, and we will have no say in it. I'm not trying to suggest we support this current development proposal; I definitely feel it's still too much. Rather, what should we pressure the City to do (knowing that they're obviously limited in what they can do)?

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The GA will automatically renew after the first 10 years unless one party walks away. That means there is only about 5 years left before we hit that date and either party can say sorry I don't want to be a part of this any longer.

I don't think discussing what to do, what could be done, etc. is something to do in place where everyone can read. :-)

It should be noted, as I mentioned in a recent post, that the council has had two executive sessions regarding this property. While we have no idea what they discussed I think we can guess they were at least looking at all possible outcomes and/or actions they could take.

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